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Overly Agressive Email Blocking

I don’t know how many of you use Comcast, but recently they’ve been aggressively blocking emails being sent to their customers, even legitimate emails which has of course resulted in a lot of customer complaints, such as here, herehere, and especially here, just to give you an idea. This is very frustrating because any customer (or potential customer) that tries to reach us at LandlordMax is using an unreliable email address. In other words, we can’t be sure that our replies will make it to them, or even that we receive their emails in the first place.

This is bad on so many levels it’s incredible! Firstly the customer may not know they have an unreliable email address, and therefore lose important emails they are expecting, not to mention that they’re not getting what they paid for. From a business perspective, everyone interacting with people from Comcast are getting frustrated, not to mention Comcast’s customers wondering why a lot of their emails aren’t being answered.

I suspect it’s only time before Comcast will start to see an exodus from their ISP services. I know we’re personally dealing with this on an ongoing basis, but if it keeps going on, we’re going to have no choice but to limit our support with people who use Comcast email addresses, that is we won’t be able to guarantee that our emails make it through.

To quote one of the links above:

“We have had to check daily for this problem and it takes Comcast another day to clear it.”

So please be patient with us if you email us for support from a Comcast email address, this is a known problem and unfortunately we can’t guarantee to respond within our normal promptness, or even for that matter that the email will even get through. If you don’t see a response in a timely manner, please email us again from another email address.

Mouse Driver Chronicles

The MouseDriver ChroniclesIf you want to read a really good book on the entrepreneurial experience of a startup, I strongly recommend reading The Mouse Driver Chronicles. I recently picked up a copy at a local bookstore and I have to say I was impressed by what I read. A lot of the lessons and experiences they went through might seem like common sense, but as the authors put it, at the time it might not always seem so.

This book is the story of two guys who started a company to sell a product called MouseDriver, which is a computer mouse in the shape of a golf club head.

I strongly recommend picking up a copy and reading it when you can. Here’s the Amazon link to the book.

Top Of Google Search Update

In my previous post, I mentioned that LandlordMax is the #1 natural search result for “Property Management Software” on Google, which is an $8 cost per click advertising term on Google (that is, if you want is if you want to buy a top spot Google charges $8 per click, not sale). We’re still #1 on the search results, but not for every country. When I made the post, I completely forgot to check for the US (as we’re located in Canada), and thankfully someone reminded me of this. In the US we’re currently the #1 search result on page 2 of Google, which is still very good. At the rate we’re climbing in the search engines, I suspect it won’t be long until we’re the #1 search result globally on Google for our keyword!

Top of Google Search

We found out some great news today! LandlordMax is now the first search result for the keyword “Property management software” on Google! Considering that this is an extremely competitive keyword where the top bid goes for over $8 per click on Google, this is phenomenal news!

Property Management Software Google Search Results Screenshot

Guest Writer Invitation

A very good customer and now friend of mine, Albert, who owns and runs a property management company using LandlordMax recently approached me asking if I would be interested in publishing guest articles. He suggested that he himself would be interested in providing an article about property management that I’m sure many of you would find very useful. After all what better source of information on managing your real estate properties is there than from someone who runs his own company managing real estate properties.

I think the idea of guest writers is so good (thank you Albert for suggesting it) that I’m sending an invitation to all of you who are interested in writing a guest articles about real estate, running a business, or tips on using LandlordMax. to please email me your articles and I will publish the most interesting ones I receive.

I can’t promise how many articles I will publish, that will depend on the quanity and quality of what I receive. However, for the articles that I do publish I will provide links to your website (including your logo) right from the article, giving you full credit. This is a good opportunity for many of you to get some great exposure, I easily get over 10,000 unique visitors here every month.

I eagerly await your emails.

LandlordMax v2.12a is Now Available!

We’ve just posted up the latest version of LandlordMax v2.12a. This is the first update of version 2.12. As you can see from the release notes, not only did we fix some bugs, we also went ahead and added a few new features at the same time.

LandlordMax Property Management Software Screenshot

To all our existing customers, we postponed sending out the first email of version 2.12’s release until this update was completed. You should expect to see a notification email sometime later this week. If you’ve already upgraded to version 2.12, the software will now tell you that version 2.12a is available. This will be the last update email notification you receive from us as the software will now let you know when new versions become available.

Life Quotes

Roller BladesToday is going to be a little different than usual. Today I’m going to pass on to you two quotes that I personally find very powerful, in business, in software development, in real estate, and in life in general.

Without further ado, the first quote:

“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.”

– George Bernard Shaw

This is the most powerful quote for me. The reality is that life doesn’t always deal you a great hand. It’s not the hand your dealt that’s as important as how you play it. It’s much like the other famous quote “It took me 10 years to become an overnight success”. People forget that a lot those who made it didn’t have an easy path. They chose to take the hard path, they made the sacrifices, they took the chances (financially, emotionally, etc.), they put themselves out there. Just think of Rollerblades. I’ve heard I don’t know how many people say they thought of the idea before they came out, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But you know what, however true that is, unless you made the jump and did the 99% perspiration to get the idea going, an idea remains just that, an idea. You need to create your luck, you need to create your own circumstances that will let you get ahead!

Darren Rowse of Problogger.net recently wrote a very good article entitled “How to be lucky“. He virtually comes to the same conclusion, luck only comes to those looking for it.

The second quote is from the Navy Seals mantra when training for close quarters combat (an unexpected source), somewhat different than the first.

“Fast is slow. Slow is fast.” Watch your fields of fire, pick your targets, aim center mass, squeeze the trigger. The faster you go, the more mistakes you make. The more mistakes you make, the deeper in the shit you will be. Go slow. Try not to make mistakes. Be one with the battle yet transcend it. Float above the action, survey the scene, target immediate threats, and dispatch them with ruthless efficiency.

Basically it says that if things are going very fast, slow it down. Concentrate on the immediate issues and deal with them with ruthless efficiency in a calm and precise nature. Don’t try to do everything at once, you’ll can’t, you will fail.

I can tell you that with my company LandlordMax we have more work than we have resources. There will always be more work than can be accomplished, that’s the nature of the business. Now, we could take the path of trying to do everything fast, but we’d make a lot of mistakes and everything would be probably be done poorly. We simply would not succeed as a business if we did this. Yes, we might get lucky and get a good start, but it would eventually catch up with us. We would make mistakes with time that would bring down our business.

What we do as a business is follow the philosophy of the quote above. We focus on making sure that every feature and benefit we built is done right, we don’t try to add every featuer possible. For example, in version 2.12 we wanted to add many more features, but each new feature that we could have rushed in for the release probably would’ve caused more errors and bugs. Nobody likes to see buggy error prone software, it’s bad for business. We focused on making sure that every feature we added worked, and that it worked well, period. We focused on the most common and important requests, and we’ll continue to do.

As you can see, both of these two quotes are very powerful. Yes it’s debatable whether or not they should be core life and business philosophies, but there’s no debate as to whether or not they can help you succeed.

LandlordMax v2.12 New Features

As most you already know, I’ve been extremely busy recently with the release of the latest version (2.12) of LandlordMax Property Management Software. We just posted up today the list of new features, which you can goto by clicking here. As you can see from the list, we’ve been quite busy adding a lot of new features to this release!

LandlordMax v2.12 is Now Available!

We’ve just posted up the new version of LandlordMax v2.12. It’s been quite a grueling week, especially today! Seeing as it’s now 3am, normal for a release day, it’s been very busy. It’s great however to finally be able to release the new version with all it’s great new features and benefits!

The website has been updated with the latest version 2.12 download. As well the purchase page has been updated to now also accept upgrade licenses.

On another note, for those of you looking for it, the release notes (the list of the latest and greatest changes) and the new screenshots will be posted in the next few days. Unfortunately the user manual has been delayed and won’t be available for at least another week, possibly longer. We apologize for this inconvenience.

To all our existing customers, you should expect a reminder email shortly letting you know about the latest release. This will be the last such reminder you’ll get from us because now the software will notify you when new versions become avaible.

And please don’t be shy to send me emails or post comments here about the new version 2.12 of LandlordMax Property Management Software.

LandlordMax v2.12 Release is Postponed One Week

Although we were very excited about releasing the latest version of LandlordMax (version 2.12) today, we have to postpone it until next week (March 27, 2006) because of reasons out of our control. We’ve been working very hard at getting this release out as fast as we can and we’re as anxious as you to show what we’ve been working on!



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LandlordMax Property Management Software

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