How to generate traffic to your website – John Cow Review
Today I got another great review of my latest EBook How to Generate Traffic to Your Website from John Cow. John gave it a very positive review which you can read in full here.
My favorite quote from his review is:
“Stephane absolutely knows what he’s talking about, and a lot of this is also coming from his personal experiences as a webmaster. We’ve got nothing bad to say – in fact, looks like we’re going to have to redo our own ebook in the making.”
John’s also found one small minor flaw on Page 68 which he’s making into a contest. The first one to tell him what it is will win $30 via PayPal. In other words if you find it first, you’ll be getting the ebook for free! I’ve since found it and will correct it as soon as he lets me know someone has won contest.
Thank you John for the great review.
· March 19th, 2008 · 10:06 am · Permalink
Hi Stephane,
I found another review to add to your collection:
· March 20th, 2008 · 2:25 pm · Permalink
Hi Anthony,
Thank you for letting me know, it’s very appreciated!