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LandlordMax Customer Testimonials

Because I’ve been so busy working on the latest version of LandlordMax (version 6.05), and the upcoming Mac version (possibly as soon as this week), I just haven’t had the time to publish any of the customer testimonials we received. So rather than just mention one specific testimonial at a time like I’ve often done in the past, I’m going to share with you a few of the best ones we received over the last little bit.

“I don’t know how you could have made a great program any better, but no matter if I have to renew it or not [actually, upgrading is optional], I have to have it. All the pluses look so great on a resume for a landlord management job. One of my owners said “If had a program like you use, I wouldn’t need you” I was kind enough to tell him the name, but he said “I couldn’t ever handle the tenants as great as you do and my building never looked so great. I feel so comfortable know you have everything under control. The reports are just an added plus to your service”.”

Daniel Bonnell

I just love this testimonial. Not only is the property manager letting us know how much he’s benefiting from LandlordMax but so is his client!!

“Thank You! I will be informing other landlords of this great product. More importantly because of the great customer service that was provided to me.”

Thanks again, Marcel Willis.

Although we pride ourselves on being the easiest property management software in the market, if you read our success stories and testimonials page you’ll find we also get a lot of praise for our support (customer service). I can’t tell you how important this is for me personally. When we compare ourselves with our bigger competitors I’m still amazed that some charge up to $100-$300 an hour for support when we offer it for free. I don’t believe you should make a profit on your customer service because if you do, that’s a conflict of interest. At $100-$300 an hour, it can be pretty easy to let the customer struggle with the shortcomings of your software rather than fix them because you make more money that way. It’s definitely not the way I want to do business. I want my motivations to be aligned with my customers!

“It has helped us immensely with keeping track of our apt. buildings/tenants. Thank you for offering the product at a reasonable price!”

“The most distinguishing feature, which really sold me, is that that we can input an unlimited number of apartment buildings and tenants — many similar software programs have a limit of 10 or 20 buildings.”

Rhonda – United Property Management Services

Thank you Rhonda. This also points out another of my pet peeves. I don’t believe software should be priced based on the amount of data you enter. I can’t imagine paying for Microsoft Word based on the number of documents I write. Pay for a DVD player based on the number of movies I”ll play. It just doesn’t make sense. If you buy the software, you should be able to enter in as much data as you want. Of course everyone has to have their license (DVD player), but they shouldn’t be limited on how much data they can enter in it (number of units).

“I’ve come to love your software. It’s fun to work with and easy to use.”

Linda Elliott

A nice and simple testimonial to finish up. So if you don’t already have LandlordMax the Easiest Property Management Software on the market today, you definitely want to check it out now.

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  •     FollowSteph.com - LandlordMax Mac Version Coming Very Soon
    · August 20th, 2009  · 10:37 pm  · Permalink

    […] I’ve already mentioned before, we’re working on a Mac version of LandlordMax. The good news is that it’s almost […]

  •     Dallas Powell
    · November 2nd, 2009  · 8:22 pm  · Permalink

    I’m just writing you to say thanks for developing this awesome software and keeping on top of it with frequent updates and fantastic new features. You guys are a top notch company. I was really happy when you offered it for Mac’s. I liked it enough that I bought it and boot camp with Windows for my Mac to be able to use it and the only downfall was having to get on the Windows partition which I don’t like. I can now use this awesome software right on my Mac!

    To those who are considering a purchase, I can assure you that you will be happy with it. I needed something easy to operate without having to spend a lot of time figuring it out. Within a couple of hours I had the software completely figured out with out having to read the literature that comes with it. Just start inputting information (a property, a tenant, etc) and it will all become clear.

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