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LandlordMax Revenues Update

As I’ve done in the past, I’m going to share with you today the latest sales metrics of my company LandlordMax.  And just like in my post in June 2008, we’re still heading in the right direction! Below is our Monthly Revenues Graph, as well as our 12-Month Trailing Average Revenues Graph. I find that only showing the monthly graph isn’t enough, the trailing average gives you the all important trend.

LandlordMax Property Management Software - Sales Revenues Graph


LandlordMax Property Management Software - Trailing Average Sales Revenues Graph

As the graphs clearly show, our sales are definitely increasing. A nice looking hockey stick graph! We’ve been lucky in that the recession has barely affected us.

The only thing that’s odd in the graph is the slowing growth line in 12-Month Trailing Average Sales Graph in the last little bit (the bottom graph). This is because for the last 2-3 months I started to leak the news that a new major version was going to be released any day now. As you’d expect, the news of a new version coming out any day affected our sales (some people decided to hold off purchasing the software until the new version was released, even if we offer up to a year of upgrades with your license). But as you can see from before, we expect the graph to jump right back up, and it’s already starting to do so.

Although the graph’s data isn’t up to today, I can tell you we expect June to be our biggest month yet based on the increased sales we’ve already seen since we released the latest version just 2 weeks ago!  It’s always a bit difficult to predict because there’s a delay from when we release a new version to when sales jump up because of the free 30-day trial we offer.

For those of you who might have missed it, back in early 2008 I posted a geographical map with all the cities in US where LandlordMax was purchased during 2007 which you can find below. The thing to note is that this is data from almost 2 years ago (it represents our sales from 2007, today that map would be significantly more populated), and all the nodes represent 1 OR MORE sales (1, 10, 100, 1000, etc. sales in a city are marked with just one node)

LandlordMax Sales in the US

As well, if you’re interested I had posted in the past or sales metrics by day of week as well as by day of month. What’s interesting is that our sales level double on weekdays compared to weekends. I suspect this is because about half our customers are individual real estate investors and half are property management companies, banks, universities, etc., which are mainly open on weekdays. Although it seems intuitive in retrospect, it took me a bit to figure out.

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  •     Yahjee
    · June 2nd, 2009  · 4:24 am  · Permalink

    Wow, congratulations to your business! Good thing that the recession hasn’t affected you yet. A lot of businesses are closing down due to the recession, but I think that your company will be one of the few who would survive this economic crisis. Keep it up!

  •     MR
    · June 25th, 2009  · 4:02 pm  · Permalink

    Congrats on your success.

    How you able to compete effectively against some of the “big guns” in this market such as Quicken (they have some sort of rental property management package, I think)? I mean, does LandlordMAX compete on features, or does it provide its primary value in other ways?

  •     Steph
    · June 25th, 2009  · 8:11 pm  · Permalink

    Hi MR,

    To be honest, we actually have quite a lot of customers coming from Intuit’s (Quicken’s) rental property management solution looking for a better solution.

    The reality is that we focus on being extremely easy to use, we offer everything you need to manage your properties (for example we have over 140 reports now, full accounting, workorders, invoices, receipts, rent rolls, email support, Outlook integration, and on and on), we offer amazing support (just check out our testimonials), and we’re significantly less costly (especially when it comes to support and real estate portfolios of more than a dozen units or so). The plain and simple is that we offer a better deal. Although we might not YET have the name recognition of Quicken/Intuit, our offer is significantly better. People are coming to us. A lot of our sales our through word of mouth. We continually get comments saying how they we referred to us by someone else who uses it and raves all about our software.

    It’s the same as Highrise for Contact Management. There are some huge names in the contact management business, yet 37Signals is able to achieve amazing success. All a big name does is give you a first introduction, it doesn’t mean you’ll deliver or that your customer will stay with you. Especially today, a name brand just isn’t enough anymore. Can anyone say GM 😉

  •     FollowSteph.com – LandlordMax 2011 – Another Record Fiscal Year!
    · August 14th, 2012  · 10:52 pm  · Permalink

    […] 2009 – LandlordMax Revenues Update […]

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