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Blogger and Programmer T-Shirts for Xmas

Not sure what to get that special blogger or programmer for Xmas, other than a copy of the book Blog Blazers? Then you’ll want to check out these t-shirts offered by Andy Brice.

The best part is that not only will you be giving a great Xmas gift, but all the commissions from the sales will be split equally between two very good charities: jaipurfoot.org and sightsavers.org.

SightSavers is a charity that’s trying to alleviate sight problems all around the world. Last year Sightsavers and their partners treated more than 23 million people for potentially blinding conditions and restored sight to over 244,000 people. And Jaipurfoot offers an effective and easy-to-fit prosthetic lower limb that can be produced for a little as $30 and is provided for free by the charity. They have provided over 300,000 limbs in 22 countries.

So if you haven’t finished your Xmas shopping, check out these great t-shirts. My personal favorite is “Be nice – I have a blog”.

For more information and details please visit Andy’s blog.

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  •     moses
    · December 5th, 2008  · 2:37 pm  · Permalink

    “Be nice, i have a blog” i love this quote.

    This can be a good choice for this year christmas gift

  •     J. Williamson
    · December 11th, 2008  · 7:13 pm  · Permalink

    Really do like that “Be nice – I have a blog” T-shirt from Andy Brice’s zazzle.com site. It’s like wearing your heart on your sleeve… err, your chest.

    Also excellent is the progress report T-shirt, with its “95% done, just the other 95% to do” slogan. Sounds like my life.

    On a more serious note, the link to sightsavers.org was quite interesting. Was diagnosed as having a mild case of macular degeneration a few years ago, so a site like this becomes one worth looking into, as more needs to be done towards restoring and improving sight for those less fortunate than us.

    Thanks for this post, Steph.

  •     Steph
    · December 12th, 2008  · 2:58 pm  · Permalink

    Hi J.,

    Andy came up with some pretty good t-shirts. He’s a pretty funny guy!

    I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis. On a good note though, it’s good to hear you found a site that’s worth looking into. Hopefully the added exposure will help them.

    And you’re welcome.

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