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Foreclosure's Map

Someone notified me of a map they found on USAToday’s website which merges a map with foreclosures in Denver since 2006. I recommend checking it out. Although the foreclosure data is limited to one of the hardest hit areas of the city, it’s still very interesting!

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  •     Trevor Mauch
    · May 9th, 2008  · 1:55 am  · Permalink


    Long time no chat. I’m getting ready to download the new version of landlordmax… great stuff. Also, we’re still plugging away and selling copies of llm every month… I’m going to optimize my reviews and every review we do (from other products) links to the llm review also.

    Anyhow, I wrote a post about a site that has foreclosure maps for the entire U.S. all mapped out. Looks like a pretty good site. The site is called hotmaps.com. I wrote a little review of it… take it for what it’s worth.

    Keep up the good work. Also, I’ve had several of my llm buyers email me about support questions… what’s the best way for them to get their questions answered?

    Thanks man.

    – Trevor

    Trevor Mauch
    The REI Brain

  •     Steph
    · May 10th, 2008  · 3:45 pm  · Permalink

    Hi Trevor,

    Yes it’s been a while…

    And thanks, we’ve been plugging away at it, always improving it. And that’s great news, I’m really looking forward to viewing your latest review!

    I quickly looked for your review of hotmaps but I couldn’t find it for some weird reason. Would you mind posting the link here?

    As for llmax support, please send them to our inhouse support team at: https://www.landlordmax.com/support/ There’s several ways they contact us: email, discussion forum, etc.

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