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LandlordMax Customer Video Review

LandlordMax Property Management Software Accounting Screenshot

As part of my monthly tasks, I look at our affiliate sales to see who’s selling what. As you would expect, the majority of affiliates don’t really generate any sales. To quote Andy Brice “From discussion on various forums it seems that very few products do well enough at affiliate sales to justify the effort involved. If you do decide to have an affiliate program make it as automated as possible”. However as part of running a business you still need keep track of your affiliates, especially those that do convert.

And to my surprise, as part of doing this monthly process, I found that someone had done a full review of LandlordMax. They wrote about two pages worth (a pretty in depth review). But what’s really exciting is that they also went through the trouble of creating a 20 minute video reviewing LandlordMax! A full 20 minutes.

Some of the highlights of the written part of the review include:

  • LandlordMax is a property rental management software that is up a level from Quicken. Not that Quicken isn’t a great product… it is… but LandlordMax has more features and is overall a more functional and robust system for people that want more than the basic features Quicken offers.
  • The price point of Landlord Max is $147. Compared to Quicken this is about $60 more… but as you’ll find in the video below… it may be well worth it (I’m actually switching over to LandlordMax).
  • Really… I have a tough time finding a ton of things I don’t like about the software. Maybe after I use it everyday for a couple months I may come up with a few features that bug me… or that I would like to see… but after going through it really in-depth today… I am extremely pleased with LandlordMax.
  • For me, this software is a good hybrid between a commercial rental property management software (ones for $500+ for property management companies) and Quicken (which is an excellent?simple software for people with less than 20 units).
  • You get the lower price of a consumer property management software… with most of the advanced features of a $500+ commercial property management software.

Overall the reviewer gave us a 4.5 out of 5! If you haven’t already clicked on one of the links to the review itself, you should go see the LandlordMax review now. It’s a great review. Thank you Trevor!

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  •     Trevor M.
    · January 27th, 2008  · 5:32 pm  · Permalink

    Hey Steph,

    Thanks for the compliments! I try to give my readers huge value for their time… and your property management software is some of the best bang for the buck.

    Keep up the good work! I love the blog by the way!


    The REI Brain

  •     Steph
    · January 29th, 2008  · 4:54 pm  · Permalink

    Hi Trevor,

    You’re welcome. And thank you for the great review on LandlordMax.

    We’re definitely keeping up the good work. The next major release is coming along quite nicely. You’ll definitely some new features that will help. About 95% of the new functionality is all direct feedback we’ve gotten from our customers.

  •     FollowSteph.com - LandlordMax Breaks Sales Record
    · February 2nd, 2008  · 5:45 am  · Permalink

    […] got a great video review of LandlordMax on […]

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