
FollowSteph Follow Steph as he posts Blog Blazer Friday

What Does it Take to have a Successful Blog?

A while ago I posted that I intended to write a book about Marketing and Sales For Small Online Businesses. Since starting this blog I’ve been continually bombarded with questions on what’s the key to my success for both my blog and my company LandlordMax. Honestly, I have to thank a lot of people for my success. For example I’ve gotten so many amazing tips from online bloggers that I can’t even come close enough to expressing my thanks. There are a lot of great people out there and it pays to listen them when they speak.

And because of that I decided to alter the topic of my first book to something more along the lines of “Ask the Pros: What Does it Take to Create a Successful Blog” (I’m still debating the title). Rather than just focus on what I’ve personally learned, I thought it would be more interesting and informative to get advice from many of the greatest bloggers on the internet today. To let the biggest and best bloggers tell you what’s made them successful. What they believe it means to be successful. How they achieved it. And so on.

Some of the interview questions I’ve been asking as part of the interviews include:

  • Which websites would you recommend for any new bloggers starting to blog?
  • What’s your biggest tip on writing a successful blog post?
  • Which marketing tactic has surprised you the most in terms of its effectiveness?
  • What’s your most interesting story related to your blog and blogging experience?
  • and so on…

So far 18 people have either expressed very high interest or have already fully committed to being interviewed. Many of these bloggers have more than a 100,000 unique visitors per month in traffic! What’s truly amazing is that I’ve only sent out the invitations for the interviews this week and the replies have been overwhelmingly positive. The response rate to my initial email has been in the strong double digits. I have no doubt this book is going to be a great success!

I’m very excited about this project. It’s going to be a great book with lots of amazing information. I can’t wait to see it in print and listed on Amazon!

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  •     promotional corporate gift
    · November 8th, 2007  · 7:06 am  · Permalink

    Obviously you’re trying to collect information about monetizing one’s own blog. This is a very timely topic because nowadays most online businesses start with a humble blog. Everything else would then start from there. I can’t wait to see the result of your hardwork.

  •     darren
    · November 8th, 2007  · 4:36 pm  · Permalink

    I think you’re on to something and I’d certainly be interested. I actually just posted something similar today. I’ll give you a hint (two words, one guy)…john chow.

  •     Steph
    · November 12th, 2007  · 11:10 pm  · Permalink

    I’ve been trying to contact John Chow without any luck. I’m sure he gets a lot of email so I suspect the most likely reason is that it’s not even getting to him. I’m continuing to try.

    The good news though is that we’ve been able to get a lot of A-list bloggers to commit to the project. I don’t want to publish any names yet, at least not until after we’ve received and finalized all their interviews. But let’s just say that many get over 100,000 unique visitors a month!

  •     Steph
    · November 14th, 2007  · 12:00 am  · Permalink

    Just to quickly update. I’ve finally been able to get a hold of John and it looks like he will be part of this project. That’s great news!

  •     FollowSteph.com » Blogging Book Interview Updates
    · November 18th, 2007  · 6:22 pm  · Permalink

    […] this month I stated that I am in the process of writing a book which will interview some of the most prominent bloggers, asking them what it takes to blog successfully. Since that time the list of people who have agreed […]

  •     FollowSteph.com - Blog Blazers is NOW AVAILABLE!!!
    · November 12th, 2008  · 11:56 pm  · Permalink

    […] little over a year ago I initially wrote about my intentions to write a book in which I was going to interview some of the most successful […]

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