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Lines of Code Revisited

Yes, I know lines of code (LOC) is not a very good metric for measuring complexity of software, growth, etc., however it’s still the only real metric I have easily available right now. That being said, since I last posted about this in June comparing the differences in lines of code between the four major releases then, I figured it was only appropriate that I do the same again for this release, our 5th major release of LandlordMax (version 3.11a).

Lines of Code

As you can quickly see from the graph above, we climbed from 105,757 lines of code to 137,868 lines of code for this release (version 3.11a), for a whopping increase of 32,111 new lines of code! Compared to our other major releases (excluding the initial release version 1.00), this is our biggest major release in terms of scale so far! It’s at least 50% bigger than than any of our prior releases as measured by lines of code! As well, the code base is now 2.68 times larger than when we first started with version 1.00!

For those of you who are interested, since I did show in a prior article how many lines of code changed between each minor update for version 2.12 (ie patches), the difference between version 3.11 and 3.11a is only a few lines of code in the build script, nothing changed in the actual program.

I’m not trying to prove anything specific here today, I just personally found these metrics very interesting and I thought I’d share them.

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  •     Paul Mendoza
    · December 11th, 2006  · 1:27 am  · Permalink

    How many software developers work on LandorMax?

  •     Steph
    · December 12th, 2006  · 10:51 pm  · Permalink

    Hi Paul,

    That’s a very interesting question because we’re a small team and everyone is all over the place (as well I hire out some of the work for specific tasks). I would say that it averages out to between 1-2 developers.

  •     Pete
    · December 17th, 2006  · 3:54 pm  · Permalink

    What are the SLOC (Source lines of code) for your product?

  •     Steph
    · December 17th, 2006  · 11:48 pm  · Permalink

    Hi Pete,

    Are you asking what SLOC means or what the count is for LandlordMax?

    SLOC is how many lines of text (programming code) needed to create LandlordMax. If you look at the first link in the article, it gives a great definition and shows several examples.

    That being said, every software program has SLOC. It’s basically a way to count how much programming code a software application has.

  •     FollowSteph.com – Lines of Code Revisited Again
    · November 28th, 2012  · 7:33 pm  · Permalink

    […] just like last time, I completely agree that Lines of Code (LOC) is not an ideal metric to measure the scale of a […]

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