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Screaming users considered good
The author says it best himself: “Bottom line: Every product evolves. It’s the rare (or trivial) that gets it right the first time and sticks with it for the rest of time. Listen to the screamers and whiners and people writing nasty blog posts. It’s painful and tough, but worth it. The screamers may not know it, but they’re really helping you out with the next release.”

Tutorial: How to Sabotage Yourself
A Tutorial that is Designed Especially for Self-loathers

The Econ 101 Management Method
Be careful when you measure performance because what you measure is exactly what you’ll get, whether or not that’s what you really want.

Debunking Zillow.com…
Greg shows several examples of properties that have sold with very different prices from Zillow’s home value estimate. He explains why he thinks Zillow is so off the actual selling price, and includes some of the email exchanges he’s had with them in this regard.

Business Geeks: Automated Software Testing as Competitive Advantage
Gives a fairly detailed explanation of why automated software testing can give a software company a competitive advantage

The Berserkonomics of One Rent-Stabilized Apartment Building
Very detailed story of how rent stabilization is affecting a property owner in New York. After everything is said and done, it’s almost impossible to imagine anyone with a mortgage making any kind of profit, never mind renovating the property!

The Full-Time Gap
If you ever thought of making your hobby into a Full-time business, this is an article I suggest you read.

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