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LandlordMax Version 2.12c is Now Available!

Version 2.12c of LandlordMax is now available, and most importantly it has some very significant performance enhancements throughout! Every data list (tenants, units, etc.) and every report was analyzed and enhanced for performance. The larger your database the more noticeable these enhancements should be. On some of our larger test databases we were able to decrease many of the processing times by over 90%! Yes, you read that right, we were able to decrease many of the processing times by over 90%.

In addition to the speed increases, there were a few other enhancements and bug fixes to LandlordMax. Some of these include speeding up the start-up time, increasing the usage of the error reporting framework, etc.

Overall this is probably the most significant update we’ve ever released in terms of effort. For those who aren’t familiar, we consider an update as mainly fixes and minor enhancements, which are generally released as the same version number but with the appended letter incremented (to avoid anyone having to pay an upgrade fee). Upgrades on the other hand also include new features and major enhancements. Based on the workload that was required to enhance the performance, this would normally be considered a major enhancement. Since we’ve been around, I will say this is definitely the largest effort we’ve yet put into an update (versus an upgrade). However I obviously believe, because we released it as an update, that the benefits to our existing and future customers are worth it.

So please go ahead and upgrade if you already own LandlordMax. And if you don’t own it, please do try it, it’s a great software application for managing your real estate rental properties. I’ll admit I might be a little biased as I’m the founder of LandlordMax (which founder isn’t biased towards his company), but I’m not the only who thinks so. Here are some testimonials and success stories which we’ve received.

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  •     Gavin Bowman
    · August 3rd, 2006  · 3:02 am  · Permalink

    First line, not = now?

  •     Steph
    · August 3rd, 2006  · 12:31 pm  · Permalink

    Hi Gavin,

    Thank you for pointing it out, the spell checks don’t catch semantic errors. I’ve just fixed it.

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