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Recent Bought with Comment Spam

Having recently re-designed this blog and converted it to WordPress, I knew it was only a matter of time before I would be bombarded with comment spam. The good news is that it’s a predictable problem and there are solutions out there to help deal with this.

Without going into details, and thereby not giving the comment spammers any hints on how I’m blocking them, I’ve made some backend modifications to handle this issue. I believe that all the comment spam you might have recently seen has been removed. And as far as I can tell from monitoring the changes over the last few days, you shouldn’t see any more comment spam here again.

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  •     Torsten
    · June 10th, 2006  · 4:12 am  · Permalink

    Check out Akismet (https://akismet.com/), it has found all spam comments for my blog (https://blog.agynamix.de) so far. Its a Web Service and available as a free plugin for your WordPress 2.0 blog.

    (No, I’m not connected, just a satisfied user)

  •     Steph
    · June 10th, 2006  · 12:42 pm  · Permalink

    That’s actually one of the plugins I’m using. And I have to admit it’s very effective. I’d strongly recommend it for WordPress 2.0.

    I’ve noticed that the vast majority of the spam comments come from a few core domains (almost all hosted on the same IP class). I know they use bots, but they just keep pounding away and away and away even if all their comments get stopped. To me, it doesn’t make economical sense. Not only are they wasting my resources (and possibly forcing smaller less knowledgable bloggers to shutdown their blogs, and hence reducing their comments), but the key for them is that they are wasting a lot of computing resources for useless activities. Wouldn’t it be more efficient to just keep hammering at the blogs where they do get through? Otherwise over time, I can easily see it that the vast majority of their computing is wasted by filters such as the Akismet plugin.

    Just a thought…

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