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Great Real Estate, Business, and Marketing Websites

This week’s article will be different than usual. Instead of talking about a specific topic, rather I’ll post a bunch of links to great real estate and business websites and resources. These are sites that I’ve come across over time that I’ve personally found very beneficial. You’ll notice most these sites are mostly blog style and that I’ve avoid all the major common websites like cnn.com, yahoo finance, etc. These are specific sites about specific topics.

Real Estate and Finance

Three Pennies This is a fairly new blog about financial freedom. I’ve gotten to know the author through my company LandlordMax Property Management Software, she was one of the first customers. I suspect that she’ll have a great blog. It’s already off to a good start!

Patrick.net Realty Parser – This site is focused on the real estate market crash. It’s been around for a while (he’s been predicting the crash for several years already). I’ve been in contact with the author and he seems to be on the ball. Lots of great news and he updates the real estate housing crash section on a regular basis with the latest and greatest news.

Oakland Real Estate – Although local to Oakland, I find there’s lots of interesting articles in this blog. Also, he’s got a page that has loads of links to other real estate related websites (including FollowSteph.com).

Counter Intelligence – Another real estate web blog with lots of interesting articles.


Joel On Software (including the Business of Software discussion forum) – Probably the best site for small businesses. Loads of great articles! Although more oriented towards software companies, it provides lots of interesting information that can be used in any type of business. I can’t say enough about the discussion forums there, especially Business of Software. It’s quite a community with lots of activity. Lots of good tidbits and a great place to discuss business issues.

Paul Graham – Another great source to compliment Joel On Software. Both of these authors know each other fairly well but think from a different perspective. Although he doesn’t update his blog very often, almost every one of his articles are thought provoking. Probably my favorite is “How to Start a Startup“.

Erik Sink – Another blog from the founder of a software company (SourceGear). This one is much more technical but it does bring forward a lot of issues software companies need to deal with. For example he has an article that I found particularly interesting on how he decides which bugs/features will be in the next version and to what extent

Userscape Blog – This is written by Ian Landsman who recently started his own technical support software company. Again, lots of great information for startup companies.

MicroISV.com – Another website focused on smaller businesses with lots of good articles.

SoftwareCEO.com – This is a site for small to medium sized companies. Again, many great articles. If you become a paid member they also have lots of additional benefits. I’d recommend this site as you’re transitioning from small to medium size.

Marketing and SEO

ProBlogger.net – Darren writes several times a day on his blog. Loads of great information and tidbits on enhancing blogs, getting better search engine results, design, and of course monetizing. And of course he’s posted a link to one of my articles on FollowSteph.com

Performancing.com – Several different authors got together for this site and write about all aspects of blogging. Lots of articles from different viewpoints and perspectives.

Seo Chat – Great site for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) information. They also have amazing forums with lots of great debates on the latest SEO trends. If you want to optimize your website for the search engines, or find out the latest news, definitely visit this site.

Marketing Sherpa – Mostly a marketing related website. Again, lots of great articles, focused on marketing and sales. More often than not, I use this site as a spring board for new marketing and sales ideas.

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